We've put together some commonly asked questions, to give you more information about the program.
What is the cost to use Finwise?
There are no monthly program fees, Finwise is offered as a free basic system to our users.
** Note that additional plug-in packages may carry costs.
Do you provide a manual for training on Finwise?
We can do better! Out training team will give you training at your location, and various training support tools are available such as Manuals, Quick Training Guides and How to Videos.
How do I manage debit order payments from consumers?
Debit orders can be easily uploaded and managed on Finwise. Finwise is integrated with Altech Nupay which is the collection company handling the actual debit order deductions.
How many users can use Finwise in my office?
Finwise is equipped to handle any amount of users, and various access levels can be set up for administration, supervising staff and management.
Can I download legal documents and email to credit providers?
Finwise is pre-loaded with all the necessary Debt Review & legal documents. Documents can be generated and will populate with the relevant Debt Counsellor and Consumer information ready to be sent professionally. All documents can be sent directly from the system to the credit providers and a complete audit trail is available of all completed documents.